About Reaped ‘n Sewn

Reaped ‘n Sewn was founded in 2017 as a response to serving Middle Eastern refugees seeking asylum in Athens, Greece. As I began to hear stories of woman unknowingly offering their children to sex trafficking poachers, and themselves to a life of prostitution to simply survive, I cried out in prayer asking God if there was anything else I could do to leave a positive impact. I had been volunteering sorting clothing donations in a warehouse and unpacking as many boxes as I could to distribute to the refugee camps. I knew there had to be something more I could do to sow into the Kingdom of God and see Heaven manifest here on earth. Shortly after that prayer, I met a woman in need of sewing supplies and used clothing. She had sewing machines donated from the states and was going to start holding sewing workshops to teach the refugee women a trade that they could take with them. She was thrilled when I told her I was a seamstress and volunteering in the largest clothing distribution center in all of Greece. I was able to add her to our clothing distribution chain and she sent me home with a sewing machine to design cloth needle books and sewing kits for the women.

It was then that Reaped ‘n Sewn came into being. I saw firsthand how I could take the skills that my grandma taught me at age 6 and utilize them to serve the Kingdom of Heaven in Jesus name.

Reaped ‘n Sewn exists to bring Heaven to earth in whatever way that looks like. In 2020 as COVID-19 violently took the world by storm, I made face masks and prayed peace and healing over every anxious customer who bought one. I was able then to hire those who had recently lost their jobs due to COVID and be the hands and feet of Jesus in that way. Now in 2021, Reaped ‘n Sewn in an income stream for me as I live out of a backpack and travel the country sharing the gospel with all those the Lord puts in my path!

Meet Rebecca.

At 17, Rebecca had a powerful encounter with the love of Jesus in a girls home, completely transforming her life. Her heart is to bring the love and light found in Christ to the world around her through her creative gifts as a fiber artist, writer and minister of the gospel. Becca has served in missions in various locations overseas with YWAM, as well as traveled throughout the U.S. sharing the gospel and being a light. Her heart burns bright to raise up the next generation and has dreams of creating products that bring God glory.